Step into the God’s Perspective

with Unwavering Conviction


Biblical Truth Illuminates the Path


End Times Prophecy Unraveled


Anchored in Scriptureʼs Truth

Teachings Offered

Video Teachings

Engaging, insightful video teachings delving deep into God’s word with unwavering conviction.

Live Webinars

Interactive live webinars delivering end times prophecy insights with unwavering faith and biblical truth.

Study Guides

Comprehensive study guides for navigating the tumultuous currents of end times prophecy with divine understanding.

Our Core Values

At Two Golden Lampstands Ministries, we are committed to upholding the timeless values of unwavering faith, biblical truth, and divine inspiration. Our journey is anchored in the unyielding bedrock of scriptural teachings, guiding seekers towards a deeper understanding of God’s perspective on the human condition. With each meticulously crafted video, we aim to illuminate the path to Jesus Christ, offering a beacon of unwavering conviction and inviting all to embark on a transformative journey of revelation and faith.


Life-changing teachings that have deepened my faith and understanding of biblical truth. Highly recommend!
The teachings have brought me clarity and peace, guiding me towards a deeper connection with God and His word.
The ministryʼs teachings have inspired and empowered me to live a more purposeful and faithful life.

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